“An attempt to make something beautiful and true from shreds of discarded paper.”
Rhiannon will be in residence at An Tobar on 27 October, inviting members of the public to work with her to write poetry around shreds of paper found in bins in the town and beyond.
The resulting Poems Made from Words Found in the Bin are animated and added to a growing collection, written by people in Portsmouth, Lincoln, Brighton and London. Look out for the film of existing Poems Made from Words Found in the Bin, also on show at An Tobar.
The animated poems are then uploaded onto the Slow GIF Movement channel on Giphy, which allows your poem to be read and shared globally on messaging apps and social media. Once your poem is part of the collection it can go on to be screened in other places as the project travels, including (so far) advertising billboards in Brighton, Victorious Festival in Portsmouth, and Wellcome Collection in London.
Artist bio
Rhiannon Armstrong is the 2019 recipient of the Adrian Howells Award for Intimate Performance. She makes works with empathy, interaction, and dialogue at their core, and brings the audience-focus of a theatre background to richly inclusive, interdisciplinary work. This work includes performance, installation, street interventions, web-based works and audio projects.
Recent work includes ‘The Soothing Presence of Strangers’, a radio documentary about loneliness made with London bus drivers and broadcast on BBC Radio 3. Rhiannon is currently undertaking research and development on a new work exploring tactile ways of making and experiencing sound.