Image credit: Lawrence Winram Photography
Theatre Gu Leòr in association with An Lanntair:
Quebec, 1888. Tha còignear air an glacadh le stoirm-sneachda ann an taigh-òsta iomallach.
Tha aonan dhiubh, Dòmhnall Moireasdan, ainmeil air feadh Canada mar eucoireach - ach don choimhearsnachd aige fhèin.
A' tighinn às a dhèidh tha Màiri NicNèill, bounty hunter à Barraigh o thùs a tha a' cheart cho measail air drama is a tha i coimeasach le gunna. Tha eachdraidh eadar an dithis, agus rudan ri rèiteachadh.
Western mu Shiaraich, le cèilidhean agus an Colt .45s
Quebec, 1888. A snowstorm traps five people in a remote saloon.
One is Donald Morrison, the Megantic Outlaw, one of the most notorious villains of his day - to all but his own community.
Another is a badass Barra woman, Màiri MacNeill - a whisky-fuelled, pistol-slinging, bounty hunter. She has history and a score to settle.
Ceilidhs meet Colt .45s in this wild Gaelic Western.
Sgrìobhadair/Writer - Calum L. MacLeòid
Stiùiriche/Director - Muireann Kelly
Dealbhadh Seata & Aodaich/Set & Costume Design - Becky Minto
Dealbhadh Solais/Lighting Design - Emma Jones
Le taic bho Alba Chruthachail & Bòrd na Gàidhlig /
Supported by Creative Scotland & Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Air a leasachadh le taic bho / Developed with support from Playwrights’ Studio Scotland.
Tickets are Pay What You Decide.