Visual Arts
Celebrating Glasgow Print Studio at An Tobar Gallery
The Gallery
An Tobar Gallery aims to present exhibitions that reflect the diversity of the community and visitors we serve, showing a wide range of visual art and craft disciplines. Hosting three or four curated exhibitions each year, we has included work from a broad spectrum of practices. From internationally recognised artists to emerging artists starting their careers with their first solo exhibition, with work exhibited ranging from highly technical installations such as Graham Fagen’s The Slave’s Lament or Yulia Kovanova’s Colony exhibition to the intricate silver sculptures in Lucy Woodley’s Ultima Thule or the exuberance of the wall hangings in Eve Campbell’s Vestige.
An Tobar runs an ongoing programme of workshops and commissions. We have many art and craft and cross-discipline workshop projects, such as Forest Partners and Drawing To Dance. We’ve had many educational workshops over the years often with exhibiting artists and arts professionals working with students, covering diverse subjects including slavery, the climate crisis and AIDS.
We regularly commission new work and you will find various commissioned pieces around the buildings. The commissions have also extended into the landscape to include Emma Herman-Smith Fank and sculpture on the Ross of Mull, Andrea Geile’s The Chlorophylls at Lettermore and Ilana Halperin's performance work, Reading Rocks on Staffa.
An Tobar houses a space to exhibit developing projects and work by local artists. The Eagle Feet Gallery is a space to exhibit developing projects and work by Scottish and local artists. An Tobar Café provide a further opportunity for local artists to exhibit and sell their work.
The gallery programme concludes each year with a themed open entry exhibition, we invite contributions from artists and makers living on Mull, Iona and in Argyll and artists who have previously exhibited at the gallery. This event celebrates the amazing breadth of talent of the arts community and emphasizes the importance of the links between An Tobar, artists and the community at large.
Own Art
Own Art is a national initiative that makes buying contemporary art and craft affordable by providing interest-free credit for the purchase of original work. You can find more information here
Art Room Hire
We are trialling Art Room hire in the Annexe at An Tobar for 2024, if you wish to hire the Art Room please fill in the form below and we will get back to you to confirm.
Our pricing structure is divided into three levels of Pay What You Decide:
Basic for one month £40
Basic Plus, where you support improvements to the Art Room, for one month £100
Top Rate, where you support improvements to the Art Room and Artists that appear in our programme, for one month £200.
Submit your request below, and we’ll be in touch.
Please note we have art classes once a month on Saturday that will need to be accomodated by the hire.
Subject to terms and conditions.