Chance and choice
Drawing In Workshop : Admitting the Possibilities
Of Error
Kirsten Lavers: drawn meditations on error
Sunday 26 March
11am - 1pm
Knockvologan Barn
Booking necessary
This workshop will be based around Kirsten’s series of drawings entitled Admitting the Possibilities of Error, work from this series is currently exhibited at An Tobar as part of Drawing In. Errors or mistakes are often seen as negative or shameful, however, if we take time to consider the possibilities they offer, they can also be sources of learning, inspiration, discovery and reconciliation. In this workshop Kirsten will share her drawing process and show other drawings from this ongoing series which include drawings arising from grief and in response to climate change and war. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own drawing using Kirsten’s process and to share with each other their thoughts on errors or mistakes.
Participants will each be given paper and a selection of pens and pencils to work with. Participants may have pens/pencils/drawing surfaces of special significance which they are welcome to bring to create their drawing. (Optional)
No prior drawing experience or skill required.
Drawing In is at An Tobar until 16th April 2023.
Pay What You Decide
Suitable for ages 16 +
Drawing In Performance :
Admitting the Possibilities of Error - These Days
Sunday 26 March
2pm - 4pm
Booking not necessary
On the third anniversary of the UK COVID-19 lockdown, witness artist Kirsten Lavers for a performance of her work Admitting the Possibilities of Error - These Days. These Days is a daily drawn meditation on a humble sheet of toilet roll begun in early 2020 in response to the COVID pandemic, recording the world COVID death totals as reported by the World Health Organisation.
Please be aware children are welcome to come and see the performance but must be supervised at all times as the drawings are fragile.
(Booking is not necessary for the performance).