Staff Blog: Andi Stevens
Creative Learning Manager

Creative Learning Manager
Creative Learning Blog , February
Fantastic News about our funding. All our planning has not been in vain and we can continue to deliver.
All our theatre workshops are now back in full swing and it is wonderful to see all the creatives back in action and we also have some amazing new starters who are enjoying the buzz. Our schools program has made a start at Dervaig and Ulva primary schools with our new ‘Torchlight Tales’. A project which includes storytelling combined with learning skills as an introduction to theatre lighting. We had an incredible time in both schools. The project will be continuing in all schools throughout the summer season.
For our sins we have planned 2 productions with Youth Theatre over the next 2 months. Scrambled Shakespeare on Friday 28th Feb and out National Theatre Connections production – No Regrets on March 28th. Please come along and support and see our youth theatre in action.
All other community classes in Poetry, Art and dance will be coming soon.
Glad to be back.
Creative Learning blog, January
As you can imagine November and December 2024 were hectic with extra Christmas events alongside our usual classes and workshops and very excitable children.
I must admit I was ready for the Christmas break with my family, having a loony dook in Dunoon waters on Christmas morning and eating a plentiful supply of Stollen.
My plan for 2025 is now in full flow and the schedule is made up of lots of incredible creative arts events for the whole year. The main event in the next couple of months is our participation in The National Theatre Connections programme. Our home show is on Friday 28th March and our Central Glasgow Belt performance is the 17th of April. This will be an amazing experience for the kids involved.
Keep an eye on the website and come along and join in. There is a class for you.
Creative Learning blog, December
And the Christmas madness hits us with full force!
After a very successful November with movement workshops by NRG dance leaders at the theatre and an incredible, sold out performance of Juliet and Romeo presented by the Junior Youth Theatre – We went head first into our Christmas activities. Our Children’s Craft Christmas Day was attended by over 100 people. Great vibes, great crafts, great Mulled wine (for the adults) and a great Santa. . Not to be outdone, the Glen Iosal Dance for Wellness group joined in the fun with mince pies, cups of tea and flowing choreography to ‘Let It Snow ‘.
I will be attending all the schools festive plays and tying up all the classes until the New Year. Registration for our next term is now open and planning for new projects and workshops are in full swing. A very Jolly Christmas and here’s to a bright and vibrant 2025 for all of us.
Creative Learning blog, November
It never ceases to amaze me how inspiring the youth of our community are with their creative talents. I always feel extremely proud and privileged to be working as part of a team facilitating the arts on our island.
A hectic few weeks throughout October and into the start of November
October 26th hosted our Dynamic Dragon Day. This included several hundred dragons, two authors, thirty children and lots of glue. It was a drop-in storytelling and craft day with style. All set up to support the annual Tobermory Book Festival. A few days later our junior youth theatre performed, to great acclaim and a full house, their version of Romeo and Juliet. They had been devising and rehearsing this for a couple of months and to see their confidence grow through the entire process has been a joy.
The power of dance
I am now on a working jolly to Stornoway. During Covid, dance teachers around the islands collaborated on a project to look at resilience of island populations, through movement. The first part of the project was held at Mull Theatre with many in the community taking part. On a very mild isle of Lewis day, I am now leading the workshop at An Lanntair with a community-based group of all ages. The whole project has grown and is being funded and supported by Mental Health Awareness.
In 2025 the two groups will hopefully be brought together, and their ideas will be as one. It has been a trip of laughter as Sarah Darling is with us to record the movement and Karen Ray is involved in sharing management processes. Great networking among island arts. The weekend has been non-stop as we are heading back on Saturday to host a children’s dance workshop at Mull Theatre!
Roll on the Christmas fun
On the first of December we have our Kid’s Crafty Christmas at An Tobar which includes a guest with a white beard in a funny red suit, who could that be?
Creative Learning Blog, October
It’s been a whirlwind of activity here in the Creative Learning Department! Alongside our weekly workshops and classes, we’ve packed in an incredible line-up of fun and engaging events.
Our Dance for Wellness group at Glen Iosal kicked off their week with a lively dance session to Ghostbusters—just one of many films we’ve grooved to this term! Each session is full of energy and creativity, starting with some fantastic moves and always ending in lots of laughter.
The Saturday morning Art workshops for kids have been as popular as ever, with Tash leading a range of exciting crafts to build and showcase artistic skills. This month, our young artists are diving into ‘Dynamic Dragons’ to get ready for our upcoming Dynamic Dragon Drop-in Day.
We’re thrilled to be part of the Tobermory Book Festival again this year, delivering a special Kids’ Fringe! Besides drama, crafts, and, of course, dragons, we’ll have two authors joining us to captivate the young audience with their storytelling magic.
In other exciting news, rehearsals are in full swing for our junior youth theatre’s own take on Shakespeare: Juliet and Romeo Squared. This unique spin on the classic love story is shaping up to be a must-see!
It has also been a pleasure to have Scott Thompson, a former youth theatre member, assisting us over the past few weeks. Scott is now pursuing a career in acting with an exciting film release set for 2025—we’re lucky to have his talent and experience with us for a bit!