Staff Blog:
Mary Hall-macLachlainn
Front of House Manager

Front of House
Front of House manager, December blog
This year has been a whirlwind, filled with challenges and personal growth. However, 2024 presented hurdles that really tested me.
At the start of the year, a skiing accident left me with a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in my knee. The injury was a significant setback. After months of managing the pain and limitations, I underwent surgery in early October. Recovery has been a bit of a journey— and the support of colleagues and community members has been invaluable. Slowly but surely, I’m finding my rhythm again, both physically and in the workplace.
Now that I’m back, my focus has been on working and reviewing processes and refining administrative workings. I'm very conscious after a topsy-turvy personal year having everything ready to go for the next year is crucial. As we are much quieter, our winter period is a welcome time to do this.
After hosting our first wedding last year I'm both excited and bolstered by what we can offer and looking forward to working with the rest of the team on expanding this. I’m excited to connect with prospective clients and create tailored experiences in the New Year!
Looking ahead, I’m filled with a lot of optimism. Recovery has taught me the importance of pacing myself and celebrating progress, however small. I’m eager to explore new opportunities with the potential opportunity to visit other arts organisations in Scotland and grow my skills. With 2025 on the horizon, I'm just taking the time to reflect on everything I've learned this year and how to channel that into growing professionally and personally.